Three Expectations We Hope to Meet in our Worship:
At Pepperell Baptist Church, we gather for corporate worship with the family at 11:00 AM every Sunday. When you enter the doors, you will immediately encounter the warm fellowship of excited disciples to worship with you. The service is structured to follow an order of worship that we believe best points the gaze of worshipping hearts to the glory of the Lord. Below are three expectations we aim to meet for your spiritual edificaiton.
Jesus is Magnified
We hope to lead you to forget about yourself and to magnify the name of Jesus. Our aim is that all we say and do be intentionally purposed to point others to the supremacy of Christ as we rejoice in Him.
The Word to be Central
We believe the Word of God revealed by Jesus Christ and recorded in the Holy Scriptures should be central in the corporate worship service. Expect to hear the public reading of Scripture, the exposition of Scripture in preaching, and musical selections that emphasize biblical truths.
The Authenticity of Fellowship.
We believe the church is a family and so we treat one another with warmth and authenticity. You're more than a number at Pepperell, you're a name, and our aim is to get to know you, to equip you, and to hold you accountable in your walk with the Lord Jesus.